In Hot Line, a multi-channel, site-specific sound installation, Michal Gavish and Zeina Barakeh each compile audio testimonies of people who have experienced hardship as a result of political oppression or war. Narratives contributed by participants within the artists’ respective communities offer a snapshot at fragmented histories and are unaltered by the two artists who worked in the role of archivists. These narratives relate to the Vietnam War; the Dirty War in Argentina; the Holocaust; Martial Law in Poland; the Lebanese Civil War; and the Iranian Revolution to name a few. The stories spanned the globe across space and time, starting with WWI up until the present. Common themes included migration, displacement, exile, poverty, violence, restriction, and war.
Hot Line, 2014; a collaborative multi-channel sound installation by Michal Gavish and Zeina Barakeh; duration variable. Photos by Tommy Lau.